My 10 year old son took entire dining etiquette course from ADS Etiquette Academy. He now knows how to eat tricky food effortlessly, napkin etiquette, finger bowl etiquette etc. which looks so graceful and elegant. I would highly recommend these courses for kids as good social skills will prepare them for a lifetime of healthier interactions in all aspects of life.
Komal Mehra
Adult Finishing school workshops at ADS etiquette academy are amazing. I learnt so much from personal branding, art of accessorizing to poise & deportment. It transformed me completely enhancing my confidence and morale. Will love to go again for more workshops.
Sonal Mahajan
I attended First Impression and Body Language workshops at ads academy which were so informative and beneficial. I came to know how small gestures like a greeting or a smile can have an enormous impact. Thank you Mam for such wonderful classes.
Nidhi Jain
  • Wow what a great experience, I love it! It's exactly what I've been looking for. Anna's group was the best investment I ever made. I don't know if I would have ever made it without her guidance and support! It's really wonderful to be able to get support from like minded entrepreneurs. Thank you so much!

    Felicity Rains Life coach, Healthy Life
  • I like this group more and more each day. It makes my life a lot easier. It's really wonderful to be able to get support from like minded entrepreneurs. And Anna is always available to advise us.

    Jen Armstrong Personal Mentor, Build your dreams
  • I just love Anna's courses. They really give you a step by step method to grow your business. Everything is so clear and detailed! I have achieved so much since I started the programm: it totally changed my life.

    Emma Green Founder of VA Power
  • At the beginning I just started with an idea, not knowing where to begin or even if I could do it. Anna's program answered all my questions and got me ready to quit my job and start my business within a month. I am so proud I finally took the risk to realise my dream.

    Sophia Bellanger Social Media Guru
  • I can't recommend Anna enough. I have learn so much about how to grow a business through social media and marketing. I am myself a coach and I know the importance of good support and guidance. If you are looking to grow your business Anna is the answer to your questions!

    Maureen Adams Founder of Enjoy Your Life
  • I was tired, working over hours. I didn't understand why my business wasn't taking off. I was ready to give up when I found this group. Since I joined I have started to look at my business through a totally different angle. I finally understood where to find my potential customers and how to address them to close a sale. It really made a huge difference: within 3 months I came from $300 to $6000 a month!

    Vicky Surrey Retreat Organiser

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